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Legacy Black: Full Year Teams
Full Year Team Levels will be determined by how many girls tryout as well as their skill level. The full year teams are an opportunity for the Legacy Cheer athletes to compete at more competitions, but it does demand a 12 month commitment. These athletes will practice twice a week from May until April. Attendance will be flexible during the summer, but strictly enforced during the school year.
These teams will go to 5 local competitions. The Prep and Novice Teams will compete at all local competitions, and the Elite teams will compete at one end of season travel competition. If the team receives a bid, they will go to All Star Worlds (in Florida).
The Full Year Teams will have an annual fee split into twelve monthly payments. The first payment is due in May at the time of team announcement. The remaining 11 payments are due on the 5th of each month Jun. 2025 through Apr. 2026 and will be auto drafted.
Legacy Black Elite Teams monthly fee = $255​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Legacy Black Prep Teams monthly fee= $235
Legacy Black Novice Teams monthly fee= $230
*Some items are subject to change based on outside fees.
Tryouts for Full Year Teams
Required All Star Parent Meetings
Please attend one of these parent meeting to learn more about the tryout process, the program, and all-star cheer!
April 6th- 1:00-2:00
April 27th 1:30-2:30
April 27th 4:00-5:00
May 7th 6:00-7:00​
Day 1 Tryouts in current all star level. Each athlete will register to tryout within the level of team they competed with in 2024-2025 season. Choose beginner if you have never been on an all star team. ​
The girls will learn a short dance, where they will incorporate jumps, dance and tumbling. After they are evaluated, they will be invited to the next round of Level Tryouts based on their evaluation. Look for an email for the invitation. Some girls may be invited to two different levels.
Wednesday, May 7th: 4:00-4:45 No Team experience
Wednesday, May 7th: 5:00-5:45 Level 1 Team Experience
Friday, May 9th: 4:00-5:30 Level 2 Team Experience
Friday, May 9th: 5:45-7:15 Level 3+ Team Experience
May 10- Final Tryout- evaluate stunting
Each athlete's parents will receive an email invitation to tryout for a certain level the night of May 9. The time will depend on which level they are invited to.
10:00-11:00: Level 1 Evaluations
11:30-1:00- Level 2 Evaluations
2:00-3:30- Level 3 and 4 Evaluations
Please communicate with Erika Toney at legacycheerallstar@gmail.com if your daughter needs a private evaluation.
In order to tryout for the Full Year Teams, we ask that you be proficient in these areas.
Level 1:
•Recommended Tumbling- Front Walkover, Cartwheel, Back walkover connected. Back Walkover, Backwalkover switch
•Required Stunting- 1/4 up to Prep Cradle, Braced Prep Lib (flyers demonstrate body positions), braced prep lib to lib body position, braced extension
•Demonstrate a dance and three jumps
•There is room for a few girls that do not have the required tumbling/stunt skills if they demonstrate excellent skill in one of the other categories. For instance, for a team of 19, only 13 are required to have the elite tumbling skills.
Level 2
•Required Tumbling- Roundoff Back handspring (recommended series), Standing Back Handspring (recommended Back walkover back handspring)
•Required Stunting- ½ up to extension cradle, free standing prep lib (flyers demonstrate body position), Lib to Lib tick tok, braced liberty extension
•Demonstrate a dance and three connected jumps
•There is room for a few girls that do not have the required tumbling/stunt skills if they demonstrate excellent skill in one of the other categories. For instance, for a team of 19, only 13 are required to have the elite tumbling skills.
Level 3
Required Tumbling- Roudoff Back Handspring, recommended Round off Tuck, Standing Back Handspring series (recommended three back handsprings)
Required Stunting- free standing lib, body positions for flyers, tick toc lib to lib unbraced.
Demonstrate a dance and three connected jumps
There is room for a few girls that do not have the required tumbling/stunt skills if they demonstrate excellent skill in one of the other categories. For instance, for a team of 19, only 13 are required to have the elite tumbling skills.
Level 4
•Required Tumbling- Standing Back Tuck. Round off back handspring layout
•Recommended tumbling- Punch Front step out through to layout, aerial through to layout, whip tuck, FWO through to layout
•Recommended Stunting- Full Twisting extension, high to low bps, basket tosses with two tricks,
•Demonstrate a dance and three jumps
•There is room for a few girls that do not have the required tumbling/stunt skills if they demonstrate excellent skill in one of the other categories. For instance, for a team of 19, only 13 are required to have the elite tumbling skills.

Tel. 214-394-6259
Email legacycheerallstar@gmail.com
Mailing Address
6937 Meadowcreek Drive
Dallas, TX 75254